The Great Reset

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What is being asked of you in this season of life is to slow down and turn inward, everything falling apart for your greatest fears and survival instincts to resurface and show you where healing must take place for transformation to happen. Oddly enough, I have hope for the first time in a really long time because of all I learned and walked through during the past year and a half living in survival mode without much hope of a better future. When we are faced with these traumas, we may have shame in how we respond when old patterns of coping and survival come up to be worked through. I’m still working on releasing coping mechanisms I developed to survive through the fire of this past year. Did you know I punched a hole in my wall last year AND I punched a hole in the microwave of my van? Both times when I had been in a deep deep state of pain, loss of insurance, no relief from the intensity of the pain.. and both when I was about to jump off a balcony (or cliff). I say this to say that the human spirit is wired for survival, and is SO FUCKING STRONG. There is no wrong way to survive, you are going to do the best you can taking things one day at a time. Please be compassionate with yourself, and tell shame and guilt to leave your mind when they arrive. You will find your power and your own personal strength during this season as you face uncertainty, isolation and fear.

We are all facing this global shift together, and I know that if you are here NOW then you are a very very special soul. There is no right way to walk through this, but I have seen the healing that takes place when everything falls apart, there isn’t much hope on the horizon and you are forced inward to love yourself and look at the dark corners of your being. This is not an easy path to take, but would you have chosen this if it wasn’t forced upon you? Pain will take you there, it is our greatest teacher. You are being asked to sit with your emotions and face the unknown with trust and faith, and this is a conscious effort that you may face a hundred times a day. I find that the most profound creativity rises in the face of adversity, and I see a shift in how you will move forward in creating your life.. from that deep place inside your heart as you sit with your own vision for the future. Fire burns a forest down only to have new life spring up healthier than before, and I see the creativity and community that will arise in us all as we are asked to rebuild new healthier systems for our society and our children’s world. You are being asked, again and again to choose love over fear, and as you practice this you will get better and better at it. You will adapt. I see the power of our collective humanity, I see unconditional love rising in our hearts as we embody Christ Consciousness, and I see artists and writers and leaders and advocates stepping into their strength and rebuilding a brighter future for us all. We are builders, we are planting seeds for a new harvest.

I believe in the laws of the universe, that joy is always matched equally to pain and darkness. Whatever falls down will rise back up in equal measure. The more darkness we walk through, the greater our capacity to hold the light. We are light workers and healers, being asked to heal this earth and each other from the roots upwards to the heavens. I know that you will learn to find JOY and laugher and light in the tiniest cracks that slip through the dark, you will learn how to laugh at the joy of a flower. You will learn how to hold yourself and give yourself the love you need with the emotions need to be released, and you will find the cracks of freedom to dance naked under the light of the moon and swim in the ocean without fear of judgement. I believe in you and I believe in us, I know this is not going to be easy.. but you know your life has prepared you for this exact time in history. You are right where you need to be, and I am here to be with you in any way you need.