Jesus is a Butterfly by Adyashanti
/“ A caterpillar has the possibility of transforming itself into a butterfly, but until that transformation occurs, caterpillars are ground dwellers. They can climb up into a tree, but fundamentally they are limited to the horizontal domain. A butterfly can fly in the air; its sense of reality is completely different. A caterpillar can imagine what it’s like to fly, but it can’t experience flight until it undergoes that transformation. In a sense,Jesus is a butterfly. He’s a totally different order of being. Everyone he encounters is a potential butterfly, but to change, they furst have to let go of everything they know, their entire sense of who they are, and their entire sense of who God is. Unless they do this, they cannot come up to the order of being that Jesus represents. To make this transformation, they must be clear; they must know what they want and be willing to step into a completely unknown dimension of consciousness.”
A beautiful excerpt from “Resurrecting Jesus” by Adyashanti